The purpose is to develop B.Sc. science student in such a way that they may form highly productive and constructive unit of society. This enables them to serve the society better. It is expected from science graduate to have scientific temperament which encompasses certain qualities like analytical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, creative thinking, critical analysis, researchive attitude and approach. This will go with the frame work of the law of the nature and established facts. The goal is to impart such distinctive qualities in a science graduate and that should be the outcome of the B.Sc. program too.
Keeping the program outcome in the mind we are going with the goal to provide quality education in pure science to the students of this area, which is predominantly rural. And the very objective is to prepare a science student of the distinctive quality who can be self sufficient in making own career and become part of the development system of the nation. Implicitly this has been carried out by product i.e. by a quality student who gets proper place in ones career and the society.
We are having more than 1000 students and six subjects are running. 21st centaury is the contrary of scientific development and technological advancement. One has to change with changing time. Govt. of Gujarat has taken major initiative in almost all sectors for such development, in the recent time. Under the same drive, Education Department of the state has decided to start professional and modern courses in Govt. Science Colleges through Commissionarate of Higher Education. Under this process Bhauddin Science College has been selected for starting B.Sc. Forensic Science in self finance mode since last 9 years.
This is a pure science college and having its B.Sc. program for six different subjects, viz., B.Sc. Physics, B.Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Chemistry, B.Sc. Botany, B.Sc. Zoology and B.Sc. Forensic Science.
Physics is a branch of natural science. When it comes to nurture students in pure science colleges all the classical concepts of physics along with modern day development should be taught. Experimental skills are one of the very important aspects of physics teaching as all the empirical formulas are derived from experiments. It is very important to know the relevance of laws and rules which governs physical quantities because most of them are part of our modern day techno-applications. All most all engineering branches having has its background in physics, it is also very important to teach fundamental so such branches. For that purpose electricity, magnetism, electronics (digital and communication), optics, meteorology, material science and modern science concepts are taught fundamentally to the students of B.Sc. Physics.
Course | Course Specific Outcome |
Mathematical Physics, Classical Mechanics & Quantum Mechanics Electrodynamics and Relativity, Statistical Mechanics | So far physics is concerned the theory and the classical physic is fundamental things. Here, this has been taken care of be providing basics of classical physics where Mathematical Physics, Classical Mechanics & Quantum Mechanics Electrodynamics and Relativity, Statistical Mechanics |
Solid State Electronics, Nuclear & Particle Physics, Solid state physics, Spectroscopy and Applied Optics | Modern day instrumentation and facilities having its base in engineering and a component of physics is the foundation of every technology and because of this courses of the B.Sc. Physics are designed to understand these fundamentals |
Demonstrated a broad understood of animal diversity, including knowledge of the scientific classification and evolutionary relationships of major groups of animals.
Recognized the relationships between structure and functions at different levels of biological organization (e.g., molecules, cells, organs, organisms, populations, and species) for the major groups of animals.
Characterized the biological, chemical, and physical features of environments (e.g., terrestrial, freshwater, marine, host) that animals inhabit. Explained how animals function and interact with respect to biological, chemical and physical processes in natural and impacted environments.
Explained how organisms function at the level of the gene, genome, cell, tissue, organ and organ-system. Drawing upon this knowledge, they are able to give specific examples of the physiological adaptations, development, reproduction and behavior of different forms of life.
Understood the applied biological sciences or economic Zoology such as sericulture, Apiculture, aquaculture, Industrial microbiology, rDNA technology and medicine for their career opportunities.
Course | Course Specific Outcome |
Functional Anatomy of Non-chordates | To get understanding of the basics of non-chordate diversity, their evolution and taxonomy, general characters |
Fisheries Biology, Animal Husbandry, Wildlife, Biotechnology, Toxicology | Relevance to teach these courses as the college is located in the vicinity of Gir and Girnar having rich forest biodiversity containing endemic species like Asiatic Lion. Moreover, Gujarat has most fertile coast of about 1600 km which is the longest amongst maritime states of India. Because of the course design of Fisheries Biology, Animal Husbandry, Wildlife, Biotechnology, Toxicology etc. students are enabled to gain sufficient knowledge as a result they get placement in relevant departments. |
Biochemistry, Cytology, Genetics and Instrumental Biology, Fundamental Process, Functional anatomy of Chordates and Comparative anatomy, Physiology and Histology, Endocrinology and reproductive biology | The courses are designed in such a way that students not only get fundamental knowledge in Biochemistry, Cytology, Genetics and Instrumental Biology, Fundamental Process, Functional anatomy of Chordates and Comparative anatomy, Physiology and Histology, Endocrinology and reproductive biology etc. but also acquire hands on knowledge of different microscopy and instruments, tools, techniques and procedures. |
Enrich natural surroundings of Gir and Girnar give ample scope to study diversified flora and fauna of region for any biology students. In addition to this existence of rich indigenous plants with medicinal properties and traditional values is also of importance. The B.Sc. Botany students of this college are fortunate to get the wide variety of plants in their own region for their extensive study.
The B.Sc. Botany program is meant for preparing the students for learning of collecting, studying and interpreting botanical materials with all its identification, classification and applications. Variety of plants, vegetation, fruits, plant secondary metabolites products, crops and improving crop variety are included in study of B.Sc. Botany program. Along with these theoretical aspects, students are trained for developing skill in practical work, experiments, equipments and laboratory work. The program also consists to make students aware of natural resources, environment and the importance of its conservation. The botany student would develop an attitude towards minimizing the pollution by growing trees and plants as well as spreading awareness amongst the society.
Course | Course Specific Outcome |
Cryptogamic Botany and Plant Pathology, Biology of Seed Plants | Get understanding of plant diversity and their medicinal properties with industrial usages and identification and cure of plant diseases |
Ecology | Get in detail understanding of environment and living organisms and also develop sense of sustainable living and conserving nature |
Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding and Anatomy | Get knowledge of improved variety of crops and plant |
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Microbiology and Biodiversity | Get knowledge of metabolic activities of plant, biochemical processes in plants and analysis and comprehension of data |
Instrumentation, Advance Techniques in Biology, Forest – Forestry, Medicinal Plants and Economic Botany | Get hands on knowledge of various instruments used in botany laboratory, their working principles. The students also get to know about economical as well as medicinal importance of plant diversity. |
Gujarat is one of the most developed industrial states in the country. The Golden Corridor also passes through the state. This has developed interest in students to seek jobs in chemical industries at a large. The B.Sc. Chemistry program encompasses recognition and application of the principles of atomic and molecular structure to predict chemical property and reactivity. The program would also enable the students to execute critical thinking and scientific inquiry in the performance, design, interpretation and documentation of laboratory experiments at a level suitable to succeed at an entry level position in chemical industry or a chemical post graduate program. Students are able to interpret and analyze quantitative data generated in instrumental analysis. The knowledge of chemistry will enable students to understand safe handling of chemical and environmental issues faced by our society in energy, health and medicine in a better way. The B.Sc. Chemistry program is intended to bring these qualities in the students.
Course | Course Specific Outcome |
Inorganic and Industrial chemistry | Student should be able to apply the fundamental principles of measurement, atomic theory, chemical periodicity, chemical bonding, solution chemistry to subsequent courses. Student would have good command of experimental methodology in chemical and industrial field. |
Organic chemistry and Spectroscopy Physical and Analytical chemistry | Student will know and recall the fundamental principles for chemical bonding, nomenclature, structural isolation, stereo chemistry, chemical reaction and mechanism. Student will be able to know basic principles of various spectroscopic methods used for characterisation of organic compounds and also interpret the spectroscopic data. Students also become capable of understanding and studying the electrical, physical and nuclear property of molecules. |
B.Sc. Mathematics students should get certain capabilities after completion of the programme. Student will be able to function on multidisciplinary teams by working cooperatively, creatively, and responsibly as a member of a team. Evaluate hypothesis, theories, methods and evidence within their proper contexts. Solve complex problems by critical understanding, analysis and synthesis. Create a hypothesis and appreciate how it relates to broader theories. Develop proficiency in the analysis of Complex Mathematical Problems and the use of Mathematical or other appropriate techniques to solve them. Demonstrate skills in the use of Computers for control, data acquisition, and data analysis in experimental investigations. Demonstrate engagement with current research and developments in the subject. Critically interpret data, write reports and apply the basics of ruled of evidence. Select, interpret and critically evaluate information from a range of sources that include books, scientific reports, journals, case studies and the internet. Provide a systematic understanding of core Mathematical concepts, principles and theories along with their applications. Communicate effectively by oral, written, computing and graphical means. Recognize the need to encourage in lifelong learning through continuing education and research.
Course | Course Specific Outcome |
Mathematical Analysis-1 & Abstract Algebra – I and II, Programming in C & Numerical Analysis-1 and II, Boolean Algebra & Complex Analysis-1 and II, Graph Theory, Optimization | To develop analytical skill of analysis which includes different algebras, theories, theorems, formulas, modelling, simulation, algebraic distributions is the motto to bring these learning capabilities in students of B.Sc. Mathematics. This also includes computational capabilities with the help of computer programming with C and proficiency in different argonomics, flow charts and programs. Windows, Linux computing with environment of Scilab and Sage programs is included in this computational aid. |
Forensic science is the application of science and technology to investigate criminal offence. In modern time Technology is rapidly taking over every facet of our lives, and solving crimes is no different. With developments in forensic technology, law enforcement has more tools and resources at its disposal, making it harder for criminals to get away with their actions. As a result, the demand for forensics technology has increased. In fact, the innovative changes and improvements in technology have made resolving crimes almost something like fiction.
BSc forensic science program is an application based program where all the main stream science subject Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering are applied for the scientific investigation of the crime. It is not only a single subject but is a multidisciplinary, versatile and result oriented subject which dealt with different branches of science as well as law, Medicine, medical jurispondence and police.
Course | Course Specific Outcome |
Basic concepts of biological, Physical and Chemical analytical and investigation techniques I and II. Crime scene investigation technique, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Physics, Forensic Biology, Cyber crime | BSc Forensic program composed of different courses which are actually very important for students who undergoes. Indoor and outdoor investigation and its techniques is the main subject area of every course. During the forensic science investigating process, forensic equipment is used to process samples and evidence to solve crimes. Crime Scene Investigation, Measurements, analysis of evidence, fingerprinting or DNA identification, analyzing drugs or chemicals and also evidences like body fluids, body parts etc. are significant. Importantly, it is the fusion of science and technology that allows forensic scientists to do a lot of work in different branches of Forensic Science like ; Ballistics, Arson, Narcotics, Toxicology, Trace evidence, Cyber Forensics, Forensic anthropology, Forensic biology, Forensic chemistry, Forensic physics, Forensic engineering, Forensic entomology, Forensic facial reconstruction, Forensic identification, Forensic linguistics, Forensic materials engineering, Forensic photography, Forensic polymer engineering, Forensic profiling, Forensic psychiatry, Forensic psychology, Forensic seismology, Forensic accounting , Wildlife Forensic and all most all the divisions of Forensic science. |
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